Is there a self? Can we find it without becoming so lost in the void of existence? I don't know, but I'm daring enough to try.
Read MoreThe more I find my way, the more I feel like I'm losing it over & over again. It's beautiful in it's way, just as much as it frustrating & uncomfortable, but that's the way, isn't it? Equal parts pain & pleasure that find their balance now and again just long enough to remind us that balance exists.
Read MoreThe moment I freed myself to not meditate is when I found that I was truly mindful. Meditation can be intentional through silent and guided practices, sitting, lying down or walking, BUT it can also be anything else that brings you into a state of peace & surrender unique to your practice and lifestyle.
Read MoreBeing ourselves is the process of unbecoming all the identities we've taken on so far in our lifetime. We choose to pick and choose how we decide to continue as we peel away the layers that no longer serve us and unveil infinitely truer versions of ourselves.
Read MoreThe interminable spiral finding myself led me to this piece today - an exploration of myself as a martial artist, writer, gardener. I struggle to find a way to describe myself and what I do and strive to define it more clearly without limiting it. I desire to add more language into my life but only in a way that fits into the lifestyle I'm designing for myself.
Read MoreThe more you desire, the more challenges you encounter. It's a constant state of seeking balance with unknown variables and structures that crumble the moment we build a new one. It's a journey into the self, into the void of infinity.
Read MoreWho are you to yourself when you're faced with an obstacle? How do you choose to respond? Why you keep going & where you end up is your choice even when the obstacle is beyond your control because you have the ability to focus on what you can control.
Read MoreIt's normal to struggle. It's okay to struggle. It's who we are to ourselves when we struggle that matters most. It's easy to show up & keep going . . . when it's easy. But who are you to yourself when it's not?
Read MoreLanguage is all around us, but especially in the ways we're not expecting it. Holistic language opens our minds to language beyond the ordinary, everyday uses AND brings to our attention the everyday uses that we overlook because we are so accustomed to them.
Read MoreIt's hard to accept yourself and love where you are right now when you desire more. BUT it's loving who you are and where you are now that makes the things you desire the things you want when you have them. Happiness is a choice we have to make now, not when we have things because there will always be more things. Who do you choose to be NOW?
Read MoreLearn how to create a schedule that doesn't feel like a schedule because it comes naturally to you as you find your own style and process in language learning and any other aspect of your life where you desire more structure🥰
Read MoreI did something different every morning for months, and I found something even better than a morning routine. I found my own process with structure & flow & freedom to be and live how I desire❤
Read MoreKundalini activations online and in-person are structured similarly, but depending the type of experience you'd like to have, you may prefer one over the other. You may even decide on a combination of the two depending on the facilitators you'd like to work with and your physical location.
Read MoreLearn how to awaken your kundalini safely using activations and yoga. Part of safe practice is educating yourself on the risks, which for most people don't cause problems. The more we learn about how the activation process works, the more we can access & share the benefits of this energy. Feel free to ask me any questions you have about kundalini awaking❤
Read MoreYour language learning routine doesn't have to be doing the same thing every day or even following a routine that already exists. You get to make your own - one that fits your lifestyle and goal & you get to change it up & make it fun!
Read MoreIf you struggle to remember vocabulary and grammar in a new language, you’re not alone. And it doesn’t have to hold you back either when you use your bad memory to your advantage by learning techniques to become a better learner because of it.
Read MoreYou get to create your own reality based on who you decide to be and the decisions you make. Your thoughts will move you closer or further away from the life you desire. The choice is up to YOU.
Read MoreI'm spoken & written but not decipherable through any linguistic structures that yet exist. What AM I? I'm Light Language. The language that needs no studying, no structures or limitations - the language of your soul that bursts through an open channel into the cosmos & back down to earth.
Read MoreImagine what it would be like if you could learn to be a more creative person, if you could create your own identity based on who you actually desire to be deep down inside and allow that to be expressed openly and freely. What would you create?
Read MoreAwaken your kundalini by channeling kundalini energy through activations and yoga to reprogram your body and mind. Access your subconscious to heal repressed trauma and release yourself to feel all the sensations of life that exist around us when we only open our minds to access them.
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