Dark Night of the Soul


It feels like the world is collapsing all around, like there’s nothing but pain and despair, like it’ll last forever - but then the most beautiful thing in the world happens: she’s reborn like a caterpillar after its metamorphosis into a butterfly.

But she doesn’t know there’s something magnificent on the other end of the decomposition she’s experiencing now. She only knows she needs to be strong, to hold on & endure because there’s just no other way but to keep going. She wants to live & breathe & elevate and refuses to settle for anything less. And so she keeps going.

Life makes her feel overwhelmed by all the things she thought she wanted - that she does want - and so she surrenders to the heaviness, allowing herself to be enveloped by the weight of it all. It’s so heavy that she falls apart - only for a moment - only to be reborn that much more resilient. She melts into the sadness, the pain, the grief, the acceptance of reality.

She rests here.

Death of the Ego & Emergence of the True Self

Her strength to keep going & her desire to love life drive her to crawl through the heavy moments because she can transform suffering into bliss. She can experience both sides of the emotional spectrum and find her balance without being consumed by either one. She can travel deeper & deeper into her true self for a lifetime.

Dark Night of the Soul

The dark night of the soul is not to be feared. In fact, it’s more frightening not to confront it at all, to sleep walk through life. Is it worse to wake up at the end? Or not at all?

I don’t believe that the dark night is ever really over. I also don’t believe we’re ever in full bliss. We are our counterparts. We exist to hold both ends, to balance. And anytime we think we’re entirely one thing or another, we’re vulnerable.

There’s always something to be grateful for, even at our lowest moments. There’s always something lurking in the shadows, especially when we’re feeling the most invincible.

Shadow Work

We all have a shadow. The goal is never to defeat it but to befriend it, to learn how to co-exist with it and become better because of it. Our fears & insecurities only want to protect us from discomfort & pain. They mean well.

Gradual is the process that shines light in the darkness, illuminating the path that heals past traumas & false identities that affixed themselves to us during childhood. Step by step we shed the layers, knowing that there’s no need to rush because the goal is only improvement.

As we confront the parts of ourselves we once ignored, our gratitude becomes our strength to continue. We realize, at some point, that we’ve found what we were looking for all along. Our goal becomes to stay there, on the path of our own creation.

Book recommendations are books I’ve read that I felt drawn to share with you as I created this blog post. These are affiliate links from Amazon. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases❤

An essential read to understand Chinese philosophy & finding your own way in life.

A book about the Buddha’s teachings that uses poetry and language references to connect the central themes and messages back to nature and ourselves.

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