Right Now I Am Here & Here is Beautiful


Right now I am here. I’m uncertain about my direction. I see my progress, and I feel like I desire more than what I’m receiving. I want to align to what I desire, but I also want to stay true to who I am and the core values of the life I want to lead.

I want to be seen more for who I truly am. I want to help others find themselves and navigate through challenges like I’ve done and am doing right now. I want this life that I want, and I want to be practical. I want to be realistic about how I can build my brand in a way that supports me now and long-term.

I’m uncomfortable where I am right now in my life & business. This is how I know that I’m evolving because growth is uncomfortable. I’m holding space to work with more people in a courses & programs. I desire to help people create intense transformations in their lives & work that can only be done in a multi-month program with daily support.

This is how I started. Back in 2020, I worked with a mentor in a 4 month program similar to the one I lead now. I didn’t know what to expect going into in. I found my mentor through a guest presentation in a course I was taking. I only knew I wanted to learn what an intensive coaching experience looked & felt like. I knew the way to learn that was to experience it, so that’s what I did.

It changed my life in the way that great education does. It opened doors for me that I didn’t know existed. It taught me about myself in a way that only an outside perspective can. It showed me that there’s more to life if I’m willing to open my mind to learning about it. And so began my entrepreneurial journey.

Coaching as Therapy

Even now, as I write this, I’m tempted away from the word therapy. Not because I don’t feel like it’s an accurate way to describe life & business coaching but because of the stigma associated with the term. As someone who’s been through coaching and therapy, though, I can tell you, they’re similar.

I’m not a therapist, but I am skilled in helping people overcome life challenges through mindset shifts and developing the core skills they need to create the life they desire. This is difficult to do and to describe, but I’ll do my best because that’s where it begins.


Who am I, and what do I desire?

This is a BIG question, so big that it isn’t ever really fully answered. It guides us, though. The more we ask ourselves this question, the more refined we become in our identity and purpose in this lifetime. Clarity doesn’t mean being able to see our path perfectly mapped out in front of us. It means feeling certain, calm, grounded, within our bodies because know we’re on the path that’s intended for us.


We still experience difficult moments, and we become even stronger the more of them we encounter. As we become more clear about who we are and what we desire, we have to confront parts of ourselves that resist these changes. We have to strengthen the relationship with who are to ourselves. This is the core of our identity: how we treat ourselves & how that is reflected in our interactions with others in our lives.

Letting Go

Sometimes the strongest thing we can do is let go of control of exactly how we desire our lives to be. We can hold the intention, but we cannot force our goal if we want to create something that is truly in alignment with our natural expression. We must be okay with it not happening in order for it to happen.

Unlocking the Subconscious

Part of the reason we have to let go before we can achieve our desire is that we don’t know everything within our conscious mind that needs to shift. Working with our subconscious is a gradual unraveling of habits and beliefs we’ve taken on over the years. As we claim a new identity for ourselves, we’re also reforming our habits & beliefs. This takes time and strengthens us even more as we confront obstacles we must overcome to continue along our desired path.

Healing & Emotions

We know we’re healing when we get emotional. Sadness, anger, embarrassment, and all the other “negative” emotions are necessary for us to experience happiness, excitement, joy. When we feel these heavy emotions, it’s a sign that our body wants to release & process this feeling. There may be a greater underlying event in the subconscious to work through, or you might just need experience feeling & releasing this emotion in this moment. What matters here is that you allow yourself to feel & be okay feeling the way everything you feel in this moment.

Accepting Myself & Desiring More

I’m proud of myself for all that I’ve done so far. I’m still not exactly where I desire to be, but where I am is beautiful. I recognize that there will always be another level, but I also recognize that there are stages in life where I need to push harder and stages where maintaining what I have is enough. This is a stage of needing to push harder.

It’s also a stage of needing to surrender more into my process because the one pairs so beautifully with the other. I love where I am and how I am supported, but I desire to rise into the next level of myself. And so it is.

Book recommendations are books I’ve read that I felt drawn to share with you as I created this blog post. These are affiliate links from Amazon. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases❤

A book about the Buddha’s teachings that uses poetry and language references to connect the central themes and messages back to nature and ourselves.

A novel that explores the human condition through its characters and teaches us about different types of energy and interactions between people of these varying energy frequencies.

A peak into each zodiac sign, describing each one in a playful way with poetry, dialogue, and references to connect each sign to real-life experiences.

One of my favorite comfort books that I’ve read many times and come back to whenever I feel sad. It’s a book that brings me to calm place where I feel at peace with life and obstacles I’m dealing with.

Poetry about understanding your relationship with yourself & your significant other.

Sarah VigilComment