Cosmic Connection: Thoughts Create Reality


It’s normal to feel like you’re not doing enough, like you should be better than you are, to constantly strive for improvement and become frustrated along the way. It’s normal, but it doesn’t define who you are. You do that by how you allow these feelings to affect you and by what you do next.

You can choose to allow your emotions to overwhelm you, or you can choose to look within and do the inner work within your mind and body to change the way you respond to challenging situations.

Mindset Shift

Take a step back and shift your perspective around your current problems. Find the positive within the chaos and practice gratitude instead of resentment. Knowing that one cannot exist without the other, focus on what is good and light and love around you and set your determination on creating more of this positive energy.

Your problems and struggles may still exist, but they will no longer be in control. Remember, you have a choice: to create more negative or more positive. And you’re always going to be generating more of one or the other - there’s not a neutral space. There’s also not a constant positive or a constant negative, BUT you can set your focus on creating more positivity in your life than negativity.

You can choose become better each day at confronting the challenges life throws at you by training your mind to not allow these to mean anything about YOU. You are not your challenges, just like you are not your emotions. You may struggle, and you may feel all the feelings, but you define YOU by how you respond.

Take a moment to consider both sides of every discussion. Let the goal when interacting with others be to find common ground where everyone can be happy and successful - this is the true victory.

Who do you choose to be to yourself?

The best way to work through any problem is to find a way to keep going. Sure, sometimes you may need to stop and take a break. Sometimes you might have to crawl so slowly that it feels like you’re barely moving - but you keep going.

You keep holding your goals & intentions and you move toward them - always. You decide who you want to be perceived as by others and how you treat yourself when you are the most honest version of yourself. You make a promise to yourself to always have your own back, and you develop a relationship with yourself that grows and evolves as you do over the course of your lifetime.

Book recommendations are books I’ve read that I felt drawn to share with you as I created this blog post. These are affiliate links from Amazon. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases❤

A novel that about a post-apocalyptic society as metaphor for the need for society to awaken.

A book about the scientific approach to energy work & manifestation that explains how to understand what is happening within our bodies and the universe during meditation & mindset work.

Sarah VigilComment