Morning Anti-Routine


It’s 5:43 am.

As I sit here with my coffee and begin my day before the sun, I wonder: Why do so many people want to be morning people?

You say we’re more productive, and maybe that’s true.

But it’s just as possible to get up & do nothing all day. 

Yet, I can’t sleep, can’t get up, can’t find any other way to be than a morning person. 

So, how can you be a morning person?

Truth is, it’s not something you choose. Rather, it’s chosen for you, by you, and you have to allow yourself to choose it.

Bottom line: you can be productive at absolutely anytime of the day or night. There be something to the twilight hours, like catching those last few minutes before the chaos of the world begins.

My thoughts stir when I wake

& so I write.

I know not what or why I do

but I do.

And so

here we are at 5:52.

How to find your most productive time of the day or night

Experiment. Take a few days - or as long as you can afford - and allow yourself to work unconstrictedly. Set your goals and tasks, but don’t worry about when they are accomplished. Lean into your desires and emotions:

When do you feel the most energetic & productive? This is when you’re ready to work and when you can be most productive.

When do you feel drained of all energy? This is not your idea productivity time. For me, this is the night time, when I feel like there’s nothing left in me & I collapse into sleep ready to spring up again when I’m recharged with fresh ideas.

Which tasks need this hyper-producitvity most? For me, this is writing, right now. Sometimes it’s exercise. Other times, it’s studying languages. Find what requires the most of your energy at this stage in your life.

Find it and experiment with it. Know that it’s always going to be change, and it’s always going to be enough so long as you apply your full energy and effort. Allow yourself to be who you need to be to who you are, how you are.

That is how you find your most productive time.

Book recommendations are books I’ve read that I felt drawn to share with you as I created this blog post. These are affiliate links from Amazon. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases❤

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