Kundalini Energy Channeling


What happens when we channel kundalini energy?

We’re opening our creative pathways for expression to flow freely. We’re tapping into the energy source that surrounds our physical body and surrendering to an experience greater than we can make logical sense of.

Depending on our experience with energetic opening and channeling, we’ll feel the flow of energy to varying intensities. We become more sensitive to kundalini energy the more we work with it in different modalities. For example, kundalini activations are effective for opening your kundalini channel in a relaxed & passive way, but it’s also important to intentionally practice by strengthening your physical body & mind.

Kundalini Activations

A kundalini activation is a session that you attend with a practitioner who specializes in awakening kundalini energy in others through sound, physical touch, and energetic channeling. Personally, I weave in light language, neurolinguistic programming & hypnosis, and allow myself the freedom to express in any way I feel guided to during a session.

I start each of my sessions with a conversation & sharing circle to feel into where each person is emotionally in their lives at the moment. Once each person feels seen & heard, I guide them into a parasympathetic state before starting a playlist of music specially designed for this session.

While the music is playing, I feel into how each person is responding to their experience. Sometimes the responses are easily noticeable, like body shaking, stretching, vocalization, & other movements, and sometimes what the person is experiencing is not necessarily showing itself on the outside. They feel their sensations, and I feel that they are feeling even though they may not be outwardly expressing. This is equally valid to one who expresses more freely externally. I move from person to person guiding their energetic experience throughout the session.

At the end of the playlist, I gently bring each person back with the sound of my voice and guide them to come return to a seated position. We take as much time as we need to process what may be feeling after the session and open the circle for sharing, reflecting, and guidance.

Kundalini Yoga

Kundalini yoga is a class that follows a nearly minute by minute structure for teaching how to use breathwork, chanting, postures, focus, strength, and flexibility to train the body & mind. Here’s an example of how I teach kundalini yoga classes:

  • We first begin by tuning in with the Adi Mantra. Come seated in Easy Pose with hands on your knees, bring palms together in front of your heart and rub them together to generate warmth and generate flow of energy. Breathe into the sensations stimulated by this movement, then take a deep breath in and chant Ong namo guru dev namo with exhale (do this 3 times).

  • Warm-up: these are gentle exercises and stretches to get started with before moving into the focus of the class with the kriya & meditation.

  • Kriya: this is a sequence of postures and breathing techniques designed to help you embody the skill we are focusing on in this lesson.

  • Savasana: this is a relaxation period where you’ll lie down & allow your body to integrate all that you’ve practiced & experienced.

  • Meditation: this is a technique to improve concentration & embodiment that can be done applying stillness, chanting, or repetitive movement.

  • Tuning out: Returning to Easy Pose, place hands on knees & breathe. Bring your palms together at your heart and rub together to generate warmth. Inhale filling the head to lungs, down to diaphragm & exhale, deflating from diaphragm to lungs to head. Repeat a second time. Repeat a 3rd time & chant a long sat & a short nam on the exhale. Bow forward to the earth as gratitude for this practice.

Kundalini yoga classes differ from teacher to teacher based on their interpretation of the teachings. You can learn more about kundalini yoga at the Kundalini Research Institute, 3HO, and my Kundalini mentor Ella Tsang.

Back to what happens when we channel kundalini energy

During an activation, our kundalini energy is free-flowing in a parasympathetic state where we are aware of what we are doing and how we are feeling but are not consciously controlling our movements and thoughts. This allows us to open up to knowledge, sensations, and experiences that we can only get to by not directly trying to access.

Kundalini activations open our channels to this energy more quickly than physical exercise and meditation based practices because they teach us to surrender to the unknown, find comfort in discomfort, journey inward to places we may have blocked out or memories we may have suppressed.

It’s here, when we travel inward without knowing where we’re going that we find ourselves. We open the flood gates of emotions and hold our own hand as we heal past traumas, overcome fears, and discover the truth of our identity.

Activations are powerful in and of themselves, but the more we strengthen our physical body & mind, the more we expand our capacity to explore and hold more during an activation. Kundalini yoga, in particular, can be helpful for this strengthening and regulating emotions as we do deep healing work because of the breathing techniques and focus on specific energetic strengthenings.

Any form of holistic exercise will be beneficial to this process, but kundalini yoga seems the most fitting here where the goal is to work directly with kundalini energy channeling.

Book recommendations are books I’ve read that I felt drawn to share with you as I created this blog post. These are affiliate links from Amazon. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases❤

One of my favorite comfort books that I’ve read many times and come back to whenever I feel sad. It’s a book that brings me to calm place where I feel at peace with life and obstacles I’m dealing with.

A book that dives into how we change habits and improve our understanding of our own mind through holistic wellness practices.

A novel that teaches us about life through nature with references to how our language and culture affects our perception of the world around us.

A peak into each zodiac sign, describing each one in a playful way with poetry, dialogue, and references to connect each sign to real-life experiences.

An essential read to understand Chinese philosophy & finding your own way in life.