Kundalini for Creativity


What if you could become more creative just by lying down, relaxing & listening to music?


Well, that’s exactly what happens during a kundalini activation. Imagine yourself in your favorite place, taking in all the sounds & sensations around you. There’s no where else for you to be, nothing else for you to do, nothing else but this moment.

You find yourself becoming more & more relaxed as you continue to breathe, inhaling to fill your belly, chest, shoulders and head. Then exhaling to release any tension with a sigh of relief. And you repeat this process as many times as you need.

This relaxation begins to flow through your body like a gentle wave, bringing you deeper and deeper into a state of bliss where your only desire becomes just go deeper and deeper. You allow this wave of relaxation to crash over your entire body and notice how it trickles down into each and every part - down your body, into your arms and legs, through to each finger and each toe until you feel so much at peace.

Let the Kundalini Magic Begin

From this place of pure relaxation, comfort and safety, your creative process is set free. It is safe to express, to be seen and heard. It is safe to just simply be and that is enough. It’s enough just for you to be you and to allow art to be created through you.

It may be slow at times. It may feel like “I should be doing this better” but deep down we know that we are meant to create and express and this begins to come out like uncontrollable burst of colors and glitter and shapes and squiggles - at least sometimes it feels that way.

The point is, our right brain awakens as we travel deeper and deeper into ourselves. We visit places we’ve forgotten about or didn’t know existed. We release parts of ourselves that have lied dormant for months or years. We free ourselves to become ourselves.

It’s with much healing and discomfort that we arrive at our true creative potential. Then we begin to realize that our potential is even greater than we initially anticipated - it’s infinite.

How kundalini activations work in your body to release creativity

Kundalini connects us back to the truth of who we are underneath of all the labels and identities we’ve taken on throughout our lives. Whether these were from family, friends, media & society as a whole.

Who would you be if you didn’t care what other’s think about you?

Imagine you could create your own identity as who YOU choose to be and for that to be the truth of who you are because you choose it.

Who would you be?

What would you choose?

How would it feel to be this version of yourself?

Kundalini activations move electric energy through your body to release what you truly desire to express. Sometimes this is otherworldly pleasure, others it’s repressed trauma & sadness. We don’t get to choose what is released during a session, but it’s always exactly what we need to reach our personal goals.

We can set an intention, and we’ll arrive at that through energetic alignment with the universe, but only when we let go of HOW it has to happen. This releases our creativity to work its magic.

That’s the thing with creativity. It can’t be controlled or formulated. We can learn how to create the space for it and channel it in the general direction of where we want it to go, but we can’t know exactly what the product will be.

A Thank You Note

Thank you to my greatest teacher. You taught me patience & persistence. You taught me that it’s okay to start over when what I try doesn’t work. You teach me to find my own way like you do.

You don’t concern yourself with the others around you. You grow & become YOU without even thinking about it. You don’t control how you grow or when. And you even continue along your own path when people interfere.

You accept your seasons and allow yourself to rest. You know that some parts of you will continue all year long and others will fall dormant so that they can rise again even more beautiful.

My relationship with you has brought me back to earth where you live.

Book recommendations are books I’ve read that I felt drawn to share with you as I created this blog post. These are affiliate links from Amazon. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases❤

A beautiful full-color book full of pictures, drawings, and poetry to capture the magical feeling of nature.

A stream-of-consciousness comic book style story about imagination, childhood memories, and overall perceptions of life.

How to connect more with nature by understanding the meaning of clouds, breezes, hills, and other natural phenomena.

Dives into the history of selected plants and metaphorizes them to show their place in society as it relates to their history and characteristics.

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