Kundalini Activations Online VS In-Person


Kundalini activations work by shifting your body into a relaxed, almost dream-like state. You’re guided into this state through language as you listen to your facilitator create the atmosphere for you to come lying down comfortably on the floor or bed or where ever else you’ve made into your activation zone.

You close your eyes and just listen, imagining yourself in a space that time doesn’t quite touch the same way as any other moment in your life. You find yourself overcome with a sense of safety and wanting to relax and let go in ways that you didn’t feel like you could before this moment. You begin to feel so relaxed and so at ease, and then you begin to hear gentle music beginning taking you on journey within your imagination.

Your facilitator holds this space for you to be. She creates the language you hear guiding you in, carefully sequences the music you hear & speaks with you energetically during your journey, and welcomes you back on the other side.

Online VS In-Person

Online and in-person activations follow the same process as far as language to begin the session, sequenced music & energy holding throughout, and language to close the session. The difference is that in an online session, you can access this space and energy from anywhere in the world & from the comfort of your own home - you can even create your own kundalini activation zone in your house for an extra immersive experience.

Online Session Advantages

Online sessions can be helpful for introverted people who desire to express themselves more but are not comfortable in group settings or people who just like the freedom of having their own space. But don’t worry, there’s no need to necessarily be an introvert - there’ll still be an opportunity to talk to the rest of the group during the pre- & post-activation check-in.

The point here is that you have the space to be as loud as you want, move as much as you want, express as much as your soul desires, and you don’t have to worry about affecting the other group members’ experiences.

*Fun fact: participants in the same sessions still mimic movements or report similar experiences during an online activation like they do in person - the energetic connection is stronger than fiber optics!

Online sessions are also awesome for busy people because the duration of your session is the only time you spend - no need to drive anywhere & wait around, just turn on Zoom & click start. That said, it’s a more focused experience on the activation itself. Whereas in-person activations can be more of a socialization event in addition to the session.

In-Person Session Advantages

The main difference with in-person activations is the added element of touch. The sequencing of the session is the same, but the energy flow is more intense because of the proximity of the participants to each other and the facilitator. We’re now, not only working with the connected oneness of energy with each other, but we’re in the same room with it.

It’s a different experience going to a physical session because it’s going to a new physical space & accessing a new space within yourself while you’re there. You’re fully immersed in the kundalini activation party - and it’s like that - because you can interact with the people around you. Before and after the session, you can talk to them. But during the session, you’re also talking to them - just in a different way. It’s truly an experience like no other.

TOUCH. The facilitator may physically touch you during the activation by placing her hands on your feet, legs, head, shoulder, etc. as she feels called to intensify the movement of kundalini energy. Being in an in-person activation does mean you need to be comfortable or have a desire to become more comfortable interacting with people this way.

*Side note: I’ve had intense activations both online & in-person. I’ve also had mellow, relaxed activations online & in-person. The location does not necessarily dictate the intensity of your activation, but it is a different experience.

The Energy is Strong

It’s energy we’re working beyond all else. It’s your desire & willingness to step into this type of space and grow as a person that is ultimately going affect your kundalini activation experience most. The facilitator works with you where you are in the moment. You’ll always receive exactly what you are meant to in that session & in the following days as you integrate the shift you experience into your daily life.

Some people are ready to open up be seen, heard, felt right away. Others need more time because their process is more gradual. Both of these are equally valid & welcome because what matters most is that you are being true to who you are and what you are ready for at this stage of your life.

Book recommendations are books I’ve read that I felt drawn to share with you as I created this blog post. These are affiliate links from Amazon. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases❤

Even deeper into the mind we go with this book on how we can understand our roles in our own realities and the power we have to determine who we are and what is true for us within our lifetime.

An adventure into the waking and subconscious mind exploring the dream world & the world that can become so surreal we’re uncertain at times it begins and the other ends.

A novel that explores the human condition through its characters and teaches us about different types of energy and interactions between people of these varying energy frequencies.

A classic collection of poems to bring in the life and nature connection and inspire us to think beyond ourselves through creative expression in one of the most extensive works of poetry.

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