To My Younger Self


You’re okay.

You don’t have to figure it all out - it’s better that you don’t.

The pain you feel in moments of grief & frustration are temporary, but the strength you gain through enduring it will last a lifetime. The happiness & excitement you experience in those perfect moments that make life worth living are also temporary, so treasure them with presence when you find yourself in them.

Embrace change

Some things get better and others get worse, but that one thing that’s guaranteed is that life as you know it in this moment will change and continue to change. It’s up to you to decide how you cope with change and how you change as the world does around you. You are in control of how you respond to all the changes in your life, even when it hurts, even when it feels like it’s all fucked up - you are in control of YOU.

Let go

Accept that which changes around you. Do not concern yourself with the faults you notice in others. Keep moving even when it feels like the world is collapsing on top of you. Let go of your fears one by one as you focus on finding your own way. Let go of the projections of others upon you, taking in any insight you can gain from them and continuing forward along your own path. Let go of normal and needing to fit in and you’ll find your freedom to live.

Be kind

Find kindness in your heart even when you hurt, especially when you hurt. It’s this kindness that will be your greatest strength and challenge. You’ll find that the more you overcome your own fears & insecurities, the easier it becomes to find kindness. Always be kind, and this kindness will be returned to you over the course of your lifetime.

You have nothing to prove, no where to go & everything to learn

There’s no right answer, no right path, no single solution to your problems. Be open to learning from everyone, but mindful of when you’re straying away from your path. The depths of knowledge are infinite, as are you, and goal is not to find the answer but to find contentment with unanswered questions.

You have nothing to prove because you are already enough just as you are, just as long as you continue becoming just a little bit better, just a little bit more YOU each day.

You have no where to go, no end or destination, just this journey, just this moment and if you’re lucky more than a few more. You have no where to go because you’re already there.

You have everything to learn, so choose carefully and allow yourself to be guided. Choose with your body as well as your mind, and choose to continue with every page you turn, every word you write. You’ll find your effortless flow in your diligence and dedication to your practice day in and day out.

Time Travel

As we travel through time and time travels through us, we become more aware of who we are and who we aren’t. We become more certain if we’re fooled into thinking we’ve come close to reaching a conclusion and less certain the more we learn about our infinite nature. It makes more sense & less sense.

At some point, the table turns, and we begin thinking about how we want to spend the days we have left instead of fantasizing about the future. It’s uncertain when the future becomes the past. The present moment is lost many times, and if we’re present in life, found many times.

We realize that we’ve spent so long traveling, aiming for targets that disappear before we can reach them. But not today. Today I aim for the present.

Book recommendations are books I’ve read that I felt drawn to share with you as I created this blog post. These are affiliate links from Amazon. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases❤

A book of poetry that captures the chaos & messiness of life and the paradox that when we “land”, we’re actually closer to falling apart again in the infinite cycle of self-discovery & awareness.

Poetry about understanding your relationship with yourself & your significant other.

An adventure into the waking and subconscious mind exploring the dream world & the world that can become so surreal we’re uncertain at times it begins and the other ends.

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