How to Awaken Kundalini


There are many ways to awaken Kundalini, and the way that kundalini awakens for each person will be unique to that person’s lifestyle, background, and how they process opening up to a higher level of consciousness.

That said, there is also a common cycle of awakening that each person experiences as they go through the awakening process. We’re working with our physical body, mind, and spirit as we become more rooted in who we are, expand our capacity to feel, and connect with the divine energy source that guides us through our lives.

Kundalini Awakening vs Spiritual Awakening

A kundalini awakening is a spiritual awakening, but not all spiritual awakenings are kundalini awakenings. Kundalini energy feels & moves differently than other frequencies of energy. Depending on how it is accessed, the intensity of it can vary as well.

A spiritual awakening is enlightenment that allows access to a higher level of consciousness but does not necessarily involve kundalini energy. You can still achieve great awareness and spiritual growth through other forms of energy work. It’ll be unique to you and that form of energy and may even be a combination of different energy frequencies.

Kundalini connects us deeply with our emotions and physical sensations of our bodies. These can be sensations associated with our emotions or physical responses to kundalini energy being freed to move through our body’s chakra system.

Kundalini awakening as a destiny rather than a choice

I believe that the awakening of kundalini is not a conscious choice. It’s instead a calling of our soul for more - more awareness, more feeling, more knowledge - and specifically, our lives align us to the path of discovering & activating our kundalini.

Sure, we make choices to practice and continue along the kundalini path, but ultimately we do it because it is what our body & mind are meant to experience in this lifetime. To not follow the path feels like not living, feels like confinement, feels like untruth.

3 Points of Awakening Kundalini

Our kundalini begins at the base of our spine and travels through the solar plexus and up to the crown of our head. I say it begins at the root for simplification of the process, but it’s more of a constant circular flow from bottom to top, top to bottom, and just about everywhere in between.

The Root

At the base of our spine is our root. This is where we build our foundation & identity. We discover who are in this lifetime and how we choose to lead our lives. It’s here that we store our past experiences of any trauma we may have experienced and here where our sense of safety and survival needs lie. This is the core of who we are and how we perceive the world.

The Center

In the center of our body, within our solar plexus and heart, we develop our ability to express ourselves openly with others. It’s where we open ourselves up to compassion & understanding. We allow ourselves to see what others desire to share and express our own truths as well in a collaborative way that contributes positively to the collective. This is how we feel & interact others.

The Mind

The mind is where we make logical sense of our physical experiences and, paradoxically, where we surrender to the unknown. Since this stage is making sense and also accepting that which doesn’t make sense, I’m going to share my direct thoughts around how I perceive this at this moment in time. I have an understanding, and I know that that understanding is based what I’m currently experiencing and have experienced. But I also know that when I let go of that being the only truth of my reality, I’ll be able to experience and learn even more. It’s a bit of a case of ‘the more I learn, the more I learn I don’t know’ where the more I open myself to learning & experiencing things that I can’t yet imagine or conceptualize, the more I’ll understand myself and the world around me. This is where we find clarity & also lose ourselves again in the cycle of awakening.

Book recommendations are books I’ve read that I felt drawn to share with you as I created this blog post. These are affiliate links from Amazon. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases❤

A book of poetry that captures the chaos & messiness of life and the paradox that when we “land”, we’re actually closer to falling apart again in the infinite cycle of self-discovery & awareness.

A novel that about a post-apocalyptic society as metaphor for the need for society to awaken.

An essential read to understand Chinese philosophy & finding your own way in life.

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