

In a world where so much is defined by the categories which have been determined by the those before us who rose to create structure that functioned for their personal and societal needs, we need integration now, more than ever.

It’s frightening and uncomfortable for many, but it is that unknown where knowledge lies, where we have yet to explore, create, and expand.

Certainty is our greatest limitation - a false sense of safety - for only when we trust and surrender to ourselves, to knowing that we are capable, we are worthy, we are beautiful as we are, can we be certain that we will achieve our fullest potential.

Language Is the Connector of All

Without language, I would not have the ability to express the ideas I write on this page now. Language is the structure, and each of us are the energy that flows through it in a way that has never been done before - even this sentence is unique each time it is spoken, by the same person or any number of people. Every utterance exists in its own time frame and embodies a unique meaning dependent on the speaker and circumstance in which it is spoken.

Language Is within Each of Us

It’s our spoken and unspoken thoughts - those which we are aware of and those which we are not. The language of our subconscious is not spoken aloud - yet it is the most profound language within us - determining who we are more than any structure that exists externally. It is, perhaps, the most integrated form of ourselves, where everything we’ve experienced, everything we’ve learned has been voluntarily or involuntarily processed and stored. It speaks for us whether we want it to or not.

Language Surrounds Us

Just as we produce language, we absorb it from all around us - from people, from nature, from all life. Language is inescapable. It only exists when there is a balance of sending and receiving, for that which is not sent cannot be received, and that which is not received is not sent. It’s very existence serves to connect us and our thoughts - to give us a means to express and explore.

Language of Truth

That which is our trust expression of ourselves does not need to be proven - it does not need to be based on the exterior world around us or approved by it. It needs to be honest and true for ourselves so that it flows naturally out of us and so that WE know it is okay and safe because it is ours. It is not certain what it will be or who will approve or how others will respond, but only when it is expressed it is OUR language.

I’d love to hear your thoughts! 🧡

Sarah VigilComment