My Language Learning Routine


Each of us must find our own process, our own style, our own routine. Today, I share with you my current routine for practicing 4 languages while balancing my work, health, family, and leisure time

Balancing All Aspects of Life

To be successful at language learning, we need to be successful at life. What exactly this means is different for everyone, but for me it means understanding my values, how I’m using my hours each day, and knowing what my mind and body need and when they need it. This is my balance.

I don’t have a set schedule for when I study each language and how much I practice each day, week, month, or year. Instead, I have blocks of time designated to myself, and I allow myself to flow into whichever language or practice feels most appropriate in the moment.

This works for me because I know my priorities, and I know what need to get done and when. I trust in myself to accomplish these tasks, and I know that I’m most productive and efficient with my time when I’m engaged in an activity aligned with how I feel in that moment.

Exceptions do occur from time to time because of poor time management or unexpected delays and interruptions because I’m human, and when this happens, I adjust. I’ll muster up the energy to complete an assignment in alignment, or better yet - I’ll find a way to make in alignment. I’ll get it done.

But this is not my routine.

This Is My Routine

I wake up at 5am, roughly. I love the mornings, but sometimes roll out of my snuggly chambers just in time to prepare a quick coffee before my 5:30 study session. Some days I meet with tutors online for intensive hour of practice in Spanish, French or Mandarin, and others I flow into a exercise and stretching practice - the language of Karate.

I won’t lie.

There are days I miss my sessions entirely.

There are weeks I miss, although these are rare.

But I never forget, and my languages never leave my mind.

I practice in my car, listening to French music.

I practice on the toilet, getting a few Duolingo Chinese minutes in.

I’ll even combine my stretching with apps and reading.

I get it done.

At the End of the Day

I save the activities that flow most easily and naturally for me. I read and practice Duolingo as I lie in bed before shutting my eyes to begin again.

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