Reading Fluency


Did you know that reading helps you learn vocabulary and become a more fluent speaker and writer? Reading in a foreign language can be difficult though, especially when it comes to finding books at a level you can actually understand that are interesting and navigating your way through more advanced texts. But it is possible when you know how to choose the right reading materials and have the necessary reading strategies. Not only will it become easier to understand what you read in your target language, but you’ll become a more fluent speaker and writer as well.

Read at Your Level

It’s tough to find engaging reading material at your level when you’re learning a new language - unlike learning your native language where you can pick up a children’s book that’s perfectly aligned with your age and interests. You’re likely more interested in reading novels and advanced texts like you do in your native language. While these will be possible eventually in your target language, you’re likely to experience more success beginning with simpler texts like comic books, news articles, and blog posts. Of course, you can also read children’s books, but with these other options, you’re more likely to find a topic you can engage with which will make the process more enjoyable and effective.

How to find your reading level

Aside from the standard beginner, intermediate, advanced levels, you can determine your level by finding reading materials that are slightly challenging to comprehend. Look for passages or articles that you can understand but that have some vocabulary that is new to you. Choosing a text that is too simple or too difficult will not be as helpful for progressing toward your fluency goals because you’ll either not be challenged enough or unable to understand at all. Your goal is to find something to read that is just right beyond your current level, and that level will become higher and higher the more you read.

Learn Naturally without Stopping to Look Up Words

While you can look up new vocabulary, write definitions, study and memorize, you don’t necessarily need to when you’re reading at the right level. When you read at your just right level, you’ll be able to understand and learn from context so you spend more time enjoying what you read and less time going back and forth between your book and translator. You’re also more likely to retain information and develop fluency this way because it’s a natural and enjoyable process that puts your brain in a state to learn more rapidly and easily - like you did with your native language.

Ways to Read Difficult Texts

Ideally, you’re spending the majority of your reading time at your just right level, but sometimes you need to - or maybe you just want to - read and understand texts that are beyond level. Here’s what you can do if you’ve set your mind on reading materials that are too advanced to understand easily.

Bilingual Readers

The easiest way to read a complex text is with bilingual edition so that you can quickly read vocabulary or whole passages in your native language when you don’t understand them in your target language. You can also buy copies of a book in both languages and read the translation in your native language first. This is twice the reading but reduces the need to stop and look up words as often because you already know the story. Whether you use a bilingual reader or create your own with dual books, you’ll learn more naturally this way than having to search vocabulary.

Intensive Reading Strategy

You can read just about any text with this approach. (1) Read the text once through for general exposure - don’t worry about understanding yet. (2) Re-read the text and mark all vocabulary you’re unfamiliar with. (3) Translate the vocabulary into your native language and write it directly above the word in your target language. (4) Read the text a third time for understanding and make notes about what you understand or key concepts. (5) Final read with notes and vocab to make sure you fully understand. (6) If you still struggle, try this method with a tutor on a short story or article that you both read ahead of your session. Then meet to discuss it in your target language to help with comprehension and boost your speaking skills.

Read More, Write More, Speak More

The more you read, the more you learn, the more all your skills improve. You’ll acquire more vocabulary that will be available to you when you speak, and you’ll become more familiar with various sentence structures which will make you a better writer. You’ll become overall more fluent the more you practice input through reading and output through writing and speaking as your brain processes the information you learned and uses it in practice.

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