How to Manifest Fluency in Any Language


What if I told you could be fluent in absolutely any language - any number of languages - if you just willed it into existence through manifestation?

Well, keep reading, ‘cause that’s exactly what we’re going to do.

But first, let’s define manifestation:

Manifestation refers to various pseudoscientific self-help strategies intended to bring about a personal goal, primarily by focusing one's thoughts upon the desired outcome. The techniques are based on the law of attraction of New Thought spirituality.

- Gianna Brogley (The Psychology Behind Manifestation)

It’s not magic, and it’s not the easy way out, but it is an effective way to achieve your language goals by taking charge of your own learning and believing in your own ability to become fluent - believing that you are a fluent speak of that language in the making - until this belief becomes reality.

It works because the greatest obstacles that many language learners must overcome are not learning the language itself, but seeing themselves as confident, competent speakers and writers of that language long enough to be vulnerable to make the necessary mistakes to necessary to achieve this level of fluency.

Fluent speakers become fluent speakers because they know it’s possible. They know they’re capable of learning a language to fluency, and so they find solutions when they encounter challenges. While other learners may allow these challenges to mean they’re not smart enough, not good enough, not language people, or any of the other insecurities that creep up, fluent speaker know that dedication and persistence are the only true reasons they will or will not achieve their fluency goals.

How to Manifest Fluency

First and foremost, understand that you are responsible for your success and your failure. If you achieve fluency, it’s because you didn’t take no for an answer when someone told you your goals were unachievable. It’s because you didn’t allow your failures to mean you weren’t capable - you instead used them learn from and get closer to your fluency goals because of them.

When you don’t understand a grammar concept or you feel like you just aren’t progressing, don’t allow this mean that you’re not capable. Use it an opportunity to learn more about how you learn and what you need in order to be successful learning language. Once you get past this obstacle, you’ll be able to overcome the next one even more quickly and effectively because of what you learned about the concept itself and because of the training you now have solving problems and persevering.

Be stubborn. If you want fluency badly enough, you will find a way to achieve it no matter what. It may not happen the way you expect or when you planned it to, but it will happen because there’s other way but for it to happen.

Mindset Shifts for Fluency

The key to manifesting fluency is mastering your mind and understanding when insecurities, anxiety, and limiting beliefs are holding you back. You must think logically about what you know to be true and remain determined to find the truth that leads you closer toward your goal of fluency. Beware: we don’t always see our own limitations.

When you find yourself feeling like you’re not capable, like you can’t keep going, shift the way you approach these thoughts and find a way to continue.

Instead of I can’t, say I need to find a way that works better for me.

Instead of this is too hard, say this might be too difficult right because I need to practice my foundational skills more or I might need extra help to learn this skill.

Instead of it takes too long, say it’s going to happen a lot faster if I start working on now.

These thoughts will always exist, but may become less frequent with training, and what you allow them to mean about yourself will change. Eventually, it no longer matters that they still exist. It no longer matters because you achieve fluency despite them - even because of them.

When Manifestation Becomes Reality

This is where the lines blur. We become so focused on being a fluent speaker that we do indeed become one, but because we are taking the actions to become this person, the actions instead become the focus. We become fluent speakers because we concentrate on doing what fluent speakers do, and as a result, we become fluent when it’s no longer such a prize, when the real accomplishment is the actions of a fluent speaker rather than fluency itself. This is when fluency is truly manifested.

Sarah VigilComment