How Long Does It Take to Learn a Language?


Not so long, so long as you know why you’re learning your language, and this purpose for learning is enough motivation for you to persevere through the inevitable challenges that occur along the path of anything worth doing.

But how long does it take?

A little bit longer than you originally anticipated because you’re losing your focus. You must continue to step into your identity as a language learner - continue to practice, seek feedback, and improve.

It takes much less time when you spend your efforts on your refining your language skills - so much less that you’ll reach your destination even sooner than expected. This much is certain, certain that the longest path is the shortest one, the most exotic one filled with stops and turns that cannot be planned.

This path is the fastest way to the destination. I promise.

But how can you be so certain?

It’s simple. Once you find this path, you’ve reached your destination.

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