Grammar: The Structure of Language


The Rules of Language

Just as we have rule in society, we have them in language, and we follow them about as often. We need them in order to function but resist them all the same because they challenge us and restrict us initially. The purpose they serve is so much greater than simply organizing our speech - they teach us how to communicate effectively, using a system that is vastly understood. They are guidelines to use the language until we learn them so well that we may begin to develop our and improve the system.

Only once we learn them and understand them so well, can we ignore them and develop our own

It’s the not the rules and grammar that’s so vital to master - it’s the ability to communicate in a way that can be easily understood by others, initially. We must learn, however we need to, how to punctuate, how to construct sentences, how to enunciate, how to communicate before so that we can begin to understand the limitations of our language before we begin to challenge them.

Only then, can we truly express ourselves. Only then, can we use the structures for the purposes they were intended in a style of our own. Only when we no longer need the rules, have we mastered them.

Intricacies of language: grammatical structures & usages

The higher our skill in a language, the less we will be understood. Yes, we’ll have the ability to communicate well, to adapt to any dialect or vernacular, but our truest expression through our language will be fully experienced by few - if any. Others may enjoy it still, but the infinite depth of language will always allow for a variety of interpretation at each of its many levels - and always, there is another level.

Just as we are infinitely expanding and growing, the depth of our expression within a language is evolving. The limit is always just out of reach - just beyond our grasp of understanding - just far enough and close enough to inspire us to approach it.

Try as we may, we’ll never achieve complete mastery for although the structures exist, perfection is undefined.

Sarah VigilComment